In Transcarpathia, weather forecasters predict complications in weather conditions.
During April 2-3, due to the arrival of a cold air mass, a short-term decrease in air temperatures by 8-10º is expected, the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region reports .
During the day on April 1, 20-25º of heat is expected, and on April 2 - only 10-15º, in the highlands up to 7º of heat. At night on April 3 the temperature will drop to 2-7º Celsius, and in the daytime on April 3 it will be 12-17º, in the highlands 4-9º Celsius.
On April 2, moderate, heavy rain and isolated thunderstorms are expected. In the afternoon of April 2 and 3, the wind speed will be 15-20, in the highlands up to 25 m/s.
Such weather conditions can lead to disruptions in power supply, utilities, communications, construction, tourism and recreation.
Read also: What changes await Ukrainians from April 1: recalculation of pensions, tax growth and demobilization
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