A wonderful find happened the other day to a journalist of the publication "Voice of the Carpathians".
At the bottom of the pot with an already dried pine, it was possible to find almost a treasure. Although not gold, but in the rest, a thing from 1992 was found. It turned out to be Ukrainian coin - 50 kopecks.
It is difficult to guess where the coin in the pot with the planted pine, which has dried up recently, came from. The pine was ordered from Mizhhirya district, and who would know that the soil in the pot would be with coins. But it is interesting that Ukrainian coins worth 50 kopecks of 1992 are one of the most special. For such a find, you can get from 8000 -11,000 thousand hryvnias. At the same time, the item must meet certain standards. The price of the 1992 50 kopeck coin depends, in fact, on the type of stamp and the condition of the coin, experts say.
What is its peculiarity?
The 1992 50 kopiika is the circulating coin of Ukraine. It was minted at the Lugansk Machine-Tool Plant with various types of stamps. Because of this, a large number of varieties have appeared, among them there are rare ones, the price of which reaches UAH 11,000.
What 50 pennies 1992 are considered rare?
The rarest and most expensive are 50 kopecks of 1992, which were minted during the adjustment of machines at the Lugansk Machine-Tool Plant.
The first 50 kopecks had a smooth edge, that is, there are no notches on the band, these are varieties of 3VAg and 3(1). Such coins should not have entered circulation, so the probability of finding them in your pocket is very small.
Also valuable are 50 kopecks with a depressed trident, which were minted with English stamps. These varieties were supposed to be destroyed, but numismatists claim to have found such coins in circulation. Recently, at an auction, Violeta sold 50 kopecks for 12,000 hryvnias.
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