The video alone takes your breath away.

A video with an extreme suspended structure across one of the largest mountain reservoirs in the Khust region , the Rika River, was published on Facebook. The video shows how the driver confidently drives a passenger car, without turning left or right or one millimeter. And in the same way, many other vehicles pass through the river every day on a single suspended "highway". Drivers, of course, are already accustomed to such extreme driving while driving, but in order to overcome this section of the road, you need to be not only a careful and cool driver, but also have a lot of fortitude. But not everyone wants to be a passenger of such "risky drivers".
In the comments, people write that they were speechless and took their breath away while watching a video with a car that simply "floated" over the frantic flow of a turbulent river.
Video with an extreme driver on a suspended structure, overcoming his usual daily route across the river:
And here's what they write in the comments on this matter:
Have you ever crossed the bridge over the River?
Earlier, the "Voice of the Carpathians" informed about one of the mysterious peaks of Transcarpathia. Mount Magurycha in Perechyn district is a dormant volcano.
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
Читайте також:
- Рада ухвалила закон для тих, хто не оновив дані у ТЦК: деталі рішення
- Закарпаттям несеться потужний циклон: річки вийдуть із берегів?
- Село на Закарпатті "пішло під воду": нещадна стихія підтопила місцеві дороги й обійстя (ФОТО, ВІДЕО)
- Закарпатці вже точать березовий сік "по чорному": де продають й чи беруть люди?
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