Schoolchildren will have a rest soon.
Last year, the educational process in educational institutions was organized in different formats. Depending on the security situation in different regions, children studied full-time, remotely and in a mixed form. Similarly, the dates of the autumn and winter holidays were announced differently in schools. In some educational institutions, and in particular in Transcarpathia, the autumn holidays were canceled altogether. On the other hand, schoolchildren who did not have autumn holidays rested in winter.
Last year, students of the Turya-Remetivska AH in the Perechyn Oblast were also left without autumn holidays, but in winter they rested for almost the whole month.
The new semester for community students has already started in the new year.
It is currently known when the students will go on vacation this spring. According to the journalist of the "Voice of the Carpathians" in the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Turya-Remetivska AH, spring break will start for hromada students this year on March 25 and will last a week - until March 31. In the meantime, in educational institutions, communities study conscientiously, but also observe the natural world.
As for spring break in a number of regions of Ukraine, this time their timing also differs. Also, some educational institutions are entitled to additional holidays, according to the orders of local authorities.
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
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