One of the oldest plantations of a unique berry in Ukraine is currently pleased with the "fiery" flower.
Transcarpathia is full of spring blooms of snowdrops, snowdrops and saffrons. Hazel trees bloomed in the forests and gardens. Bushes also bloom with delicious fruits, which are also very useful.
About the flowering of dogwood, which has grown on an area of 12 hectares in the Derenkovich tract, says a local resident Vasily Ivashko on Facebook.
According to him, this plantation is located in the village of Cherna, Vynogradiv district, and is the oldest in Ukraine and Western Europe.
The benefits of "derenka", Vasyl Ivashko notes, were known in the Middle Ages. It was helpful for cholera, chickenpox and hepatitis. Unfortunately, folk remedies from the past were quickly forgotten against the background of the development of chemicals.
"Today it blooms in all its glory on an area of 12 hectares in the Derenkoch tract. Our ancestors have known about the benefits of this miracle tree for humans since ancient times and used it to treat infectious ailments that are inherent in people during this period.
Our official doctors have forgotten about the possibilities of derenka in the defense of some ailments, because treatment with chemicals has become a priority. Professor Klymenko S.V. has collected a large recipe of folk methods of treatment with dogwood, but the corruption component in this system does not allow her to break into the market of medicines.
In the middle windows in the Royal Castle of Nyolab in the village of Korolevo, the educator Benedikt Komyati creatively used turf in the treatment of cholera, smallpox, and viral hepatitis.
Today, our plantation is under the "supervision" of the forest user "Forests of Ukraine". But they don't have time for that. For an indifferent attitude to such an exotic natural pearl of our region, it is necessary to raise the issue of withdrawing the dogwood plantation from foresters and transferring it to the ownership of the territorial community," the post says
A photo with the flowering of dogwood on the last day of February was also shared in the group "I love Transcarpathia".
"February 29, and the dogwood bloomed," one of the users writes to the published photo
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