It is very crowded on the alley of sakura trees in Uzhgorod, but people were attracted by the "novelty".
As the "Voice of the Carpathians" wrote earlier, exotic trees were planted in Uzhgorod.
On Babyaka Street, six palm trees are planted near the cherry blossoms.
It is worth noting that palm trees are exotic for the climatic conditions of Western Ukraine, the locals are confident that they will successfully adapt and retain their beauty throughout the year.
Today, the video captured a large crowd of people near the planted trees, near which everyone is photographed en masse. The network notes that now in Uzhgorod there is a new exotic photo location for selfie lovers, and also joke that Uzhgorod will gradually turn into Dubai.
Also in the Telegram channel 21 Uzhgorod there was a short video of the crowd of people at the new location.
"There is a real pilgrimage on Babyaka Street in Uzhgorod in the morning. Hundreds of people want to take pictures near the palm trees," the description of the video says.
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