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Weather forecast for March 24: what forecasters warn about

23.03.2024 23:02 Society

In Ukraine on Sunday, March 24, it will be cloudy with clearings.

In Ukraine on Sunday, March 24, it will be cloudy with clearings.

In the western, northern, during the day and in most of the central and Odesa regions it is raining; In the rest of the territory, there is no precipitation.

This was reported by the Ukrhydrometeorological center. 

The wind is southerly with a transition in the western and northern regions to the northwest, 5-10 m/s.

The temperature at night is 3-8° Celsius, in the eastern, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson regions and in the Crimea about 0°; during the day 7-12° of heat, in the south and east of the country up to 15°.

In the highlands of the Carpathians there is sleet and rain; The temperature during the day is 0-5° Celsius.

Read also: "Covid" is not over: the chief sanitary doctor told what is the current situation with the incidence in Ukraine 

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