In Ukraine, fines for motorists may be significantly increased.
This was reported by "Volna" with reference to the press service of Ukravtoprom.
The Verkhovna Rada has registered a draft law "On Amendments to Article 122 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses to Strengthen Liability for Failure to Give the Right of Way to Vehicles That Have the Right to Speed."
The document provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of 100 to 150 minimum incomes of citizens (1700 UAH - 2550 UAH) and deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 6 months to one year for failure to provide priority in the movement of transport of emergency rescue services, ambulance, fire brigade, police, moving with special light or sound signaling devices turned on, failure to provide route vehicles, In particular, those involved in the transportation of groups of children, including violations of traffic rules and stops in the lane for route vehicles, as well as violations of the rules of stopping, parking, creating obstacles to traffic.
It is also proposed that for violations that have caused or could have caused a threat to the life and/or health of people – a fine of 200 to 300 non-taxable minimums (3400 UAH – 5100 UAH) and deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 5 to 10 years.
As of March 22, the draft law was received by the Verkhovna Rada and sent to the committee for consideration.
Read also: Will a trip by car become a luxury?: fuel will rise in price in Ukraine and shock the cost
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