Violators will have to rattle their wallets and pay fines.
The State Environmental Inspectorate in Transcarpathian region conducts raids on the water bodies of the region.
During the measures to prevent and detect administrative offenses in the field of environmental protection, inspectors of the State Environmental Inspectorate in Transcarpathian region recorded cases of violations of environmental legislation in the water bodies of the region.
Since the beginning of the year, 16 protocols have been drawn up against individuals for violation of fishing rules under Part 3 of Article 85 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. The total amount of penalties imposed is UAH 1.424 thousand. UAH.
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Читайте також:
- «Закарпаттяобленерго» оприлюднило графік, який сподобається всім без вийнятку
- Тривога в ДТЕК: Підроблений ресурс загрожує вашим фінансам
- "Золотий ресурс" не для бідних: в яку вартість влетить закарпатцям погрітись дровами в цей час?
- Причин багато: на Закарпатті йде продаж картоплі за рекордними цінами
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