In the Carpathian peaks these days there is clearly non-flying weather. However, this did not stop tourists who continue to engage in extreme sports.
Yesterday, the Rescue Service received a report that a tourist born in 1995 lost his bearings while skiing in the area of the Krachunieska mountain meadow (near the Dragobrat ski resort), the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region reports .
Due to heavy fog, the man drove behind the warning signs, after which he could not find his way back. The tourist was very lucky, because as soon as he sent his geolocation to the rescuers, his mobile phone ran out of power.
The Rakhiv Mountain Search and Rescue Group was involved in the search operations. The lost man was found in satisfactory condition and escorted to the Dragobrat Group of Companies to the place of temporary residence.
This incident is a reminder for all tourists of the importance of staying safe during extreme sports, especially in conditions of reduced visibility.
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