Despite the rainy weekend, dry grass continued to burn in the Zakarpattia region, which surprised even experienced firefighters.
This suggests that the "caring" owners probably set fire to the grass either in between rains or even under an umbrella. As a result, there were 25 trips to eliminate fires in ecosystems, the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region reports .
Most fires were recorded in Mukachevo district, where an uncontrolled fire broke out as many as 8 times and destroyed about 3 hectares of dry grass, shrubs and garbage. In total, since the beginning of the year, 73 hectares of fertile Ukrainian land have been "sterilized" by fire in Zakarpattia region as a result of fires in ecosystems.
Read also: Terrible night in Transcarpathia: a fire engulfed the boiler room of a warehouse (PHOTOS)
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