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"For Easter, they are packed in the ground": in Transcarpathia, they hurried with spring burning for Easter

Society Perechyn

Spring harvesting is gaining momentum in the region.

"For Easter, they are packed in the ground": in Transcarpathia, they hurried with spring burning for Easter

Transcarpathians grow, plant and sow in order to have reserves of early harvest. It is worth noting that this year in the region they began to work in vegetable gardens and orchards much earlier than last year, because the weather was conducive to the early spring harvest and people did not hesitate.

At the end of February (with positive temperatures), many countrymen planted one of the most relevant and strategically important vegetables in greenhouses, and therefore in the open field. It is a potato, and locals traditionally try to plant it before Easter. This procedure was hastened to be done, in particular, in Perechyn district, as well as Vynogradiv district. At the same time, many residents say that they should not rush to plant the "second bread", since the ground is still quite cold and wet. In April-May, it is also not too late, the locals note, because by this time there may also be frosts. It should be noted that in Transcarpathia this March there were sub-zero temperatures, which could adversely affect fruit trees.

 It is also worth remembering the frosty May in the region last year. Weather vagaries were felt, in particular, in the villages of the Rakhiv region, where many fruit trees and vegetables froze.

In addition to the "second bread", Transcarpathians also sowed early vegetables, in particular, those crops that have risen significantly in stores over the past period. In many settlements, carrots, radishes, parsley and beets were sown in open ground this March.

They planted onions, and some even garlic, because they did not have time to do it last November. Onions and garlic have also been increasing in price recently. People are happy when they can have their own stocks and not spend money on a store-bought product. As for onions, until recently, queues lined up in stores for this vegetable in Transcarpathia. Buyers stocked up for fear of rising prices. After that, in less than a week,  the vegetable, after all, really jumped in price - from 15 to 18 hryvnia per kilogram. 

As for potatoes, last year at the beginning of the season, their cost was 50 hryvnias per kilogram. Prices continued to be high this year, potatoes in Ukraine have risen in price at a record.

Recall that last year, residents of the region began to  plant potatoes a little later, from March 24, because the weather was not as favorable as it is now.

Read also: They are back: some of the oldest creatures on the planet can be seen in this village in the Zakarpattia community (PHOTOS) 

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