In the United States, popular actor Chance Perdomo died in an accident.

At the time of the accident, the star was only 27 years old, writes Variety.
The tragedy was reported by the celebrity manager – according to him, the artist crashed on a motorcycle. It is noteworthy that as a result of the accident, except for Chance, no one was injured.
– It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the death of Chance Perdomo due to a motorcycle accident. His passion for art and love for life were felt by all his acquaintances and relatives," the manager said.
The actor's partner asked not to disturb Chance's family during this difficult time for them.
And although the location of the accident is not reported, foreign media suggest that the tragedy happened in Los Angeles.
Chance Perdomo is a Hollywood actor who is known for appearing in the TV series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and the film Killed by Duty. By the way, the last work brought the actor a BAFTA nomination for Best Actor.
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