In the Drohobych district of the Lviv region, the police solved a terrible crime.
The owner of the household, on whose territory the body was found, stabbed his guest nine times in the chest and abdomen during a domestic conflict. After making sure that his comrade was dead, he buried the body in the garden and camouflaged the place with branches.
This was reported by the Police of Lviv oblast.
Case Details:
On March 21, a resident of one of the villages of the district reported her 53-year-old son missing to the police. According to the applicant, the last time she saw him was on 17 March, when he allegedly went to his home. Since then, there has been no contact with him.
Criminal police operatives, investigators, district police officers, patrol police response teams, employees of other services of the territorial police unit, as well as dog handlers and forensic specialists were involved in the search for the missing person.
During the inspection of the area, the operatives found freshly dug earth covered with branches under a tree in the garden on one of the farms. After removing a layer of soil, the police found the body of the wanted man in the pit with traces of violent death - with knife wounds in the chest and abdomen.
It was established that the fatal injuries to the man were inflicted by his acquaintance, a 37-year-old household owner. On March 17, the deceased came to visit him, and a domestic conflict arose between them, during which the owner stabbed the guest nine times, causing fatal injuries. After making sure that the comrade was dead, the attacker buried the body in the garden and camouflaged the place with branches.
The suspect was detained and notified of suspicion of committing a criminal offense.
Read also: Skirmish in Transcarpathia: police detained a suspect in inflicting severe knife wounds (PHOTOS)
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