The attacker, who stole a mobile phone from a woman on the streets of Lviv, was exposed and detained by the police
In Lviv, the police successfully solved a daring robbery of a woman, which took place on Chervona Kalyna Avenue. On March 20, at 9:25 p.m., a Lviv resident reported an attack by an unknown person who snatched a mobile phone from her hands and ran away, according to the Police of the Lviv region.
Criminal police officers and other officers of the Police Department No. 2 of the Lviv District Police Department worked at the scene. Thanks to a set of operational and search measures and analysis of CCTV recordings of the "Safe Lviv region" system, law enforcement officers established the location of the offender and detained him.
It turned out that he was a 19-year-old resident of the Donetsk region. Law enforcers informed him of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 4 of Article 186 (Robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Under this article, punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of seven to ten years can be imposed.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, and the court will soon decide on the measure of restraint for the suspect.
Read also: Terrible accident on the Kyiv-Chop highway : what details are known (PHOTOS)
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