In Uzhgorod, patrol officers stopped a woman on Mytna Street who violated traffic rules while driving a Skoda car.
During the conversation with the driver, the patrol officers noticed obvious signs of alcohol intoxication. However, the woman refused to be examined, according to the Patrol Police of Transcarpathian region
The passenger of this car began to behave aggressively, use foul language towards the patrol officers and run out onto the roadway. During the preparation of administrative materials, the driver repeatedly offered the law enforcement officers an illegal benefit, and later tried to put 300 hryvnias in the official car.
A number of administrative materials were drawn up against the violator:
- Under Part 1 of Art. 130 (Driving under the influence of alcohol),
- Under Part 2 of Art. 122 (Use of means of communication while driving) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Administrative materials were also drawn up against the aggressive passenger:
- Under Art. 173 (Petty hooliganism),
- for 1 tbsp. 127 (Disobedience of pedestrians to traffic control signals, crossing the carriageway in unspecified places, etc.) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Due to an attempt to provide a bribe, an investigative team was called to the scene. The incident is currently under investigation.
Read also: Brutal murder in Transcarpathia: police detained an attacker who beat a man to death (PHOTOS)
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