The man was detained for trying to give a bribe.
The court has remanded in custody a Ukrainian suspected of offering a bribe to police officers in the Pilsen region of the Czech Republic, writes
According to the investigation, on March 11, the police stopped a Nissan car in the town of Horšovský Týn (Domažlice County). A woman was driving. The test showed that she was intoxicated.
At that moment, according to the prosecution, the passenger of the car, a 36-year-old Ukrainian, offered the police a bribe of 100 thousand rubles. CZK so that they do not formalize the offense and allow the couple to move on.
The Domažlic court sent the suspect into custody, Novinky writes.
"There is a risk that the accused may flee or hide. All this is due to the fact that he does not have a legal residence permit in the Czech Republic," explained Judge Jan Schwigler.
Instead, Ukrainian appealed the decision. The appeal will be heard by a court in Plzeň.
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Читайте також:
- Найцінніший трофей січня у лісах України. Вражаючий "скарб" від якого усі у шоці (ФОТО)
- Чупакабра знайдена! Правда, тепер вона живе у новому місці
- Єгипетський імпорт, що може вбити: загроза, яка і досі чатує на українських базарах та в магазинах
- Це щось неймовірне: закарпатці фільмують містику в небі (ФОТО)
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