The foreigner tried to export prohibited goods from Ukraine, for which he paid with a car worth about 200 thousand hryvnias.
According to Transcarpathian customs officers, because of the hidden 328 packs of cigarettes, which were sniffed out at the border by the customs dog Dana, the Romanian will "say goodbye" to the "German".
At the Solotvyno customs post on the border with Romania, the canine team of the Zakarpattia Customs prevented the illegal export of tobacco products hidden in a car.
Leaving the Ukraine, a Romanian citizen sent his BMW to the "green corridor" during customs control. Thus, the foreigner testified to his bona fide intentions to cross the customs border of Ukraine and wanted to avoid a thorough check.
But the inspectors decided to check the vehicle, involving a dog handler with a four-legged assistant Dana. As soon as the door was opened for the spaniel, the dog immediately gave the owner a sign - tobacco products without excise stamps of Ukraine were hidden under the floor. So, without hesitation, the car was sent to the in-depth inspection box for a thorough check and the detection of hidden goods in other structural cavities.
So far, more than 32 packs of cigarettes have been retrieved. Their final number will be established at the end of an in-depth review.
These actions of the foreigner contain signs of violation of customs rules under Part 1 of Article 483 of the Customs Code. In such cases, not only the objects of the offense are seized, but also the car used to move the hidden goods in specially made caches. Its approximate cost is UAH 200 thousand.
In addition, the customs will send to the territorial office of the ESBU in Zakarpattia region a report on an illegal act containing signs of a crime under Article 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Read also: Truck with an unpleasant "surprise": a 42-year-old Pole "got stuck" in Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
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