The region has a cherry blossom period. They attract both locals and tourists.
What kind of sacrifices the countrymen are not capable of in order to get to the most blooming "princess of the season". In particular, the other day in Vynogradiv, a young man climbed to a considerable height, and also dressed in pink to "merge" with the blossom of these unique trees. Such desperate people in the region will reach the sky just to take a spectacular picture as a keepsake.
Sakuromania in Transcarpathia during this period is really gaining scale and there are a lot of people who want to be photographed against the background of magical sakura. And for better access to pink alleys in Uzhhorod, they even thought of blocking the road.
But not with sakura alone. In Transcarpathia, rare tropical palms are also beginning to be planted. Such people recently appeared on one of the streets of Uzhgorod. It is reported that these trees are also able to withstand frosts down to -20 degrees. What the residents of the city say about this and what they write on Facebook , we have already written in a previous publication.
In the city of Perechyn, with the famous "Lavender Mountain", a tent made of Japanese cherries is also pleasing to the eye. Bees buzz in pink bloom and enjoy spring nectar. Perechyn Sakura Alley is another of the relevant photo locations. True, palm trees were not planted here, and it is unlikely that they would be relevant here. The pink strand of cherry blossoms is so thick that it would certainly not be logical to plant something nearby.
It is worth noting that the sakura alley in the Transcarpathian city was planted in 2016.
What a piece of Japan looks like on Uzhhorodska Street now in Perechyn - in the exclusive photos of the journalist of the publication "Voice of the Carpathians".
It should be noted that on March 7 this year, a border checkpoint was installed on Uzhgorod Street, in Perechyn for the first time in the entire period. This was announced on Facebook by the head of the community, Ivan Pohoriliak. According to the mayor of the city, the checkpoint was deployed due to the fact that the settlement is located in the border zone and therefore there is a need for increased control of the local territory.
Let us remind you what requirements have come into force for those entering the border area and whether a special permit is required?
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