The new restrictions came into force in Ukraine on March 7 this year.

The State Border Guard Service has begun issuing documents that give the right to stay in the border strip five kilometers wide from the state border line, the press service of the State Border Guard Service reports.
On March 7 of this year, an order came into force, which regulates the issuance of a document that gives the right to enter, stay, reside, work and pass to the border strip. To stay in a 5-kilometer zone near the state border, you must obtain permission from the State Border Guard Service.
"The body of the State Border Guard Service, no later than ten working days from the date of receipt of the application, makes a decision to grant a permit, to refuse to grant a permit or to recognize the granted permit as invalid," the SBGS reports.
How to get a permit to stay in the border area?
You can obtain a permit to stay, move, reside or work within the border zone through the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. This applies to both individuals and legal entities. Permission for persons under the age of 18 is granted at the request of one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees or other legal representatives.
Permission can also be obtained by mail. The application must be accompanied by copies of identity documents, confirming the purpose and terms of stay in the border zone, as well as confirmation of the legality of the work.
- for citizens of Ukraine: copies of identity documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine, as well as the authority to submit an application.
- for foreigners and stateless persons: copies of identity documents confirming the legality of stay on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the authority to submit an application.
- for legal entities: copies of documents containing information about the name of the legal entity, location, type and place of work, a list of individuals with their passport data and vehicles to be involved in the work.
- for individual entrepreneurs — copies of identity documents;
copies of documents confirming the purpose and terms of stay in the border zone;
copies of documents confirming the legality of the work.
A separate category of persons who do not need to obtain such permits is defined. In particular, permissions are not required:
- persons entering the border zone for the purpose of crossing the state border at checkpoints (control points) across the state border;
- truck drivers and accompanying persons entering the border zone for the purpose of multimodal transportation;
- persons whose movement begins and ends outside the border zone, who move by motor transport on public roads of state importance, by rail transport by railways, some of which pass through the areas where the border strip is established, without making stops, exiting at railway stations in the border zone;
- and other persons according to the specified list.
Also, the Government has established a special border regime and prohibits the free entry, stay, residence, movement of persons and the conduct of works not related to the defense or protection of the state border within land plots 30-50 meters wide along the line of the state border on land, along the bank of the Ukrainian part of the border river, lake or other body of water, and along the line of the state border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus - up to 2 kilometers wide. which are provided for permanent use to military units of the State Border Guard Service for the construction, arrangement and maintenance of engineering and technical and fortification structures, fences, border signs, border clearings, communications.
Where to get permits in Zakarpattia region
In Transcarpathia, permits to stay in the border zone can be obtained:
at the headquarters of the 94th border detachment in Chop (for Uzhhorod district).
Chop, st. Main 55a, military unit 1493;
at the headquarters of the 27th Border Guard Detachment in Mukachevo (for Beregovo, Khust, Tyachiv and Rakhiv districts).
Mukachevo, st. Nedecei, 45
Recall that in Transcarpathia, since March 7 this year, the number of border checkpoints within settlements has increased. First of all, we are talking about the newly formed border guard post in the city of Perechyn. We wrote about this in a previous publication. According to the head of the community, Ivan Pohoriliak, the military is on duty at the checkpoint the day before .
It should be noted that certain discussions about the establishment of a border post in Perechyn have flared up on Facebook. In the comments, people expressed negative emotions about the fact that the city is tightening control over the territory. For many, such actions seemed absurd, especially since previously deployed checkpoints were already operating at the entrance to Perechyn and in the direction of the village of Dubrynych .
Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, "Submarine fleet on the Transcarpathian Tisza": Facebook is "torn apart by emotions" about the river port in the region
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