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One of the excellent sources of drinking water in Perechyn district, where a sculpture in the form of three polar bears was turned into a "blue and yellow masterpiece" the day before, has shocked many visitors in recent days. The blue-and-yellow bears that appeared at the central artery in Perechyn, near the forest this spring, were terrified, surprised, and nervous. The would-be artist of "this miracle" was never found, so the author of such paintings remains a secret. At the same time, although the painted animals became patriotic shades, the natural color at least did not scare away numerous tourists. What were the reactions of the residents of Perechyn district on this occasion, read in the previous publication.
Now the "Three Bears" in Perechyn have once again become white. The stream is written by local resident and activist Mykhailo Barnyk.
- Well, our Teddy Bears are already the ones we are used to and love again!
As promised, they did it before the first Easter.
Thanks to Oleg and Andriy from the Spurs Art Association for their help," the message says.
So, as it was announced by the activist last time that the bears would be returned to their natural color by Easter, they did.
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