An incredible highlight can be seen in Schönborn Park.

A unique attraction is located on the territory of Schönborn Park in the Voevodyno tract. Tourism expert Fedir Shandor writes about this on Facebook. The name of the attraction is symbolic - "Square of Three Apples that changed the world". It's like a portal that takes you to three different eras at once. The first sculpture is Eve's Apple. Nearby, the Garden of Hell is recreated, where 24 poisonous plants that grow in the Carpathians are collected. Then comes Newton's apple, which is a symbol of the search for knowledge.
On March 24 of this year, as the tourism expert notes, along with two other sculptures of apples, a new sculpture appeared - with an apple - a symbol of technology. Therefore, visitors have the opportunity to plunge into a truly magnificent portal of three eras, starting points, visiting the original architectural object in Perechyn district.
New tourist attraction of Transcarpathia: "Square of Three Apples that changed the world"
In Schönborn Park (Voevodyno tract), a tourist highlight was presented - the "Square of Three Apples That Changed the World" - an unusual portal that takes visitors through eras.
The square has many symbolic embodiments. It is laid in the shape of a triangle of the All-Seeing Eye, and the three main apples in it symbolize three eras, three iconic stories, three starting points of humanity.
The first sculpture is the Apple of Eve, a symbol of truth and knowledge. Nearby is the original "Garden of Hell" with 24 poisonous plants collected in the Carpathians.
Next, the trail leads to Newton's Apple, a symbol of science and knowledge. Located on the way to the Vagash waterfall, it symbolizes the search for knowledge, because it is thanks to science that humanity comprehends the secrets of nature. There are also 4 more apples scattered here - the apple of Paris, the apple of Robin Hood, the apple of Snow White, the apple of Charles Fourier.
On March 24, the Apple Apple appeared, a symbol of the modern era, the era of technology and endless possibilities, which was made by sculptor Roman Murnik.
The guest of honor, who took part in the opening, was the Consul General of Hungary in Ukraine József Bocskai.
The Three Apples Square at Voevodyno Resort, which changed the world, is not just an art object. This is a place where you can think about eternal values, about the choices we make every day, about the future that we create with our own hands," Fedir Shandor said in his post.
Earlier we wrote about the newest stars on the Walk of Fame in Transcarpathia.
Also, in the previous publication from Fedir Shandor, we mentioned the places of demonological tourism in the region, where there are still creepy stories about all sorts of evil spirits.
But a huge snake - a black shuffle should be looked for in Beregovo district. There is still a legend that an ancient monster once settled in Lake Dyida. People seem to have seen at one time how an underwater creature rose from the bottom of the lake to the surface.
At the same time, it is unlikely that the creature can be a marine dinosaur, especially from the Pliocene epoch. Although it is not forbidden to believe in legends, and even supported by images of human imagination. And interesting stories with an almost fantastic plot in many cases attract the attention of tourists.
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