Mobilization in villages is taking on a new format.

From now on, summonses in rural communities will be served in a new way. Men should prepare for more serious trips to the TCC and be consciously ready to defend the Motherland.
Since martial law has once again been extended in the country and general mobilization continues, the Verkhovna Rada decided to slightly change the process of conscription of all men liable for military service. First of all, it concerns the mobilization of men in rural settlements.
People's Deputy Vitaliy Bezgin shared details about the incident in an interview with the Main Committee. The "Wall" writes about it.
The Security and Defense Committee supported the editing of the draft law on mobilization, which withdraws communities with a population of up to 10 thousand people. from the scope of the law and transfers powers in such communities to the district military administration (RMA).
Bezgin explained that in rural areas, especially in remote villages, the authority to deliver summonses is vested in starostas.
Starostas are people who are appointed to the position as a result of public discussions, and often they are people who make door-to-door visits to collect signatures for appointment.
Bezgin noted that such persons, it turns out, first go from house to house to collect signatures for their appointment, and now they deliver summonses and, God forbid, also bring funerals.
He noted that the Verkhovna Rada understands that such a model is unworkable. The people's deputy noted that this could undermine mobilization in the countryside. It may also lead to the fact that starostas will resign.
Bezgin noted that this is already happening. At the same time, Ukrainian legislation now prohibits the appointment of acting starosta.
This would lead to the fact that there was no one to provide services. Therefore, the people's deputy thanked the committee for the wise decision.
It is worth clarifying that we are talking about amendment No. 998, which states that in villages with a permanent population of 10 thousand people. persons shall be entrusted with the performance of duties by district state administrations, and the executive bodies of village, settlement, and city councils of such territorial communities shall facilitate the exercise of their respective powers in the manner prescribed by law.
In the villages, there is almost no one to take into the army. Isn't the situation in the cities of Transcarpathia one of the best?
Since 2022, there have been many conscripts from different regions of the country in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A number of Transcarpathians were also mobilized during the full-scale invasion. In the villages, according to eyewitnesses, mobilization has recently intensified. In the previous publication, we wrote how a woman with a stick drove the representatives of the TCC right out of the yard. Men in uniform tried to serve a summons to her husband despite the presentation of a certificate of his unfitness.
We also wrote about how they hunted for male mushroom pickers near highways in settlements.
It is not uncommon for mobilization in the region to pass legal requirements, which local residents are outraged about. Conscripts are taken to the TCC directly from the streets and from shops, public transport salons. In addition, residents note that summonses are handed to men right at bus stops as soon as a bus or minibus arrives there.
People are picked up from hotels in the middle of the night. Such an incident, in particular, was recorded in Uzhhorod and it happened to one of the drivers. Also in Mizhhirya district, the truck driver was stopped in the middle of the road and taken to the TCC.
Residents of the region recorded the use of force against conscripts - they were knocked to the ground and beaten, pushed into cars, dragged along the asphalt.
Recent incidents involving conscripts and TCC employees were recorded in Uzhhorod and Svalyava. One of the men was detained near the shopping center and sent to another region. The victim's daughter later appealed for help to everyone who cares through Facebook.
As for the case in Svalyava, the man's mobile phone was taken away from the TCC, which is why he could not contact his relatives and explain the situation to them. The man was given a mobile phone halfway to the training ground.
At what age does mobilization take place in Ukraine?
Draft Law No. 10378 On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Certain Issues of Mobilization, Military Registration and Military Service Proposes to reduce the conscription age for men from 27 to 25 years. However, this draft law has now been withdrawn and sent for revision.
Lawyer and attorney Rostyslav Kravets told at what age they can be mobilized in Ukraine in 2024.
According to the lawyer, general mobilization in Ukraine takes place for men from 18 to 60 years old (for the high command up to 65 years old).
At the same time:
Men from 18 to 27 years old can be called up for military service. That is, men who have the status of conscripts can be mobilized up to the age of 27.
Men liable for military service are persons who are in reserve for manning the Armed Forces and other military formations for a special period.
Ukrainians who have not reached the age of 27, have not served in the army and do not have the status of a conscript cannot be mobilized. In this case, before the age of 27, conscription takes place only with their consent.
That is, according to the lawyer, if a man is not liable for military service, has not served in the army, he can be mobilized for military service from the age of 27.
Men liable for military service can be mobilized from the age of 18.
Read also: draft law on "legal redemption" from conscription. What is proposed in the Rada?
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