Terrifying finds are fished out of the stream.

In one of the villages of Zakarpattia in the Perechyn region, people dump household waste into a stream. The corresponding photos recently appeared on Facebook in one of the local communities
We are talking about the village of Mokra of the Turya-Remetivska AH. Overflowing with garbage mountains, the stream begins to stink, eyewitnesses note, the water is dirty and this causes fear in many. Garbage abounds not only in the reservoir, in which it is scary to wash your hands, because probably a lot of pathogenic bacteria have already bred in it, but also the banks of the stream. People bring all sorts of rubbish here. That the water will not be swept away during the period of heavy rains, gets stuck between the stones and decomposes there over a certain period, people say that they are against such actions of unscrupulous fellow villagers.
The shore of the reservoir is "seeded" with plastic and tin containers from alcoholic beverages. Dirty waste also settled in the stream, which eventually serves as a "garbage dump on the water". It is not uncommon to see the corpses of animals here, which is even more alarming.
The problem is also discussed in the comments under the published post
It is worth noting that the village of Mokra, which is currently inhabited by about 350 people, or maybe less, is famous for its history, and in particular, religious. In 1983, a new church of the Ascension of the Lord was built in a small village in Perechyn district. The construction of the temple was carried out clandestinely, in just one night. The church was made of stone. The tower was covered with a hipped roof from the old chapel-bell tower. After a while, another church was erected in the hinterland – St. Paul. Peter and Paul. More on this in the previous post. But if people learned to be masters in the village and preserve the nature of this hinterland, then there would be more tourists in this place.
Read also: Intruder near houses: Transcarpathians are terrorized by a red scourge
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