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They are grown on special farms: unique mushrooms have already begun to appear in the forests of Ukraine (PHOTOS)

Society Transkarpathia

The abnormal weather in the last days of February is simply amazing.

Regardless of the fact that it is still almost winter in Ukraine, because the last days of February are coming to an end, spring weather is coming up in the regions for more than a week. 

Almost spring is already blooming in the gardens of Transcarpathians. On Facebook, people share photos of this year's first snowdrops, primroses and saffrons. Nature is incredibly surprising in this difficult time and gives hope.

Fire salamanders are already waking up in the forests of Ukraine, and in some areas they are starting to grieve. Recall that in the Carpathians this February, they are already hunting for the first spring mushrooms - sarcoscypha ("elf bowl"). After these spring delicacies, according to avid hunters of quiet hunting, there are morels, and then porcini mushrooms.

Finding oyster mushrooms during this period is an incredible sight. And, it would seem, where are there, what oyster mushrooms are already there? But photos with this year's delicious trophy flooded Facebook.

Photos with oyster mushrooms from this year's hunt were also posted in the "Mushrooms" group.

Note that oyster mushrooms are one of the most valuable, delicious mushrooms. In Ukraine, they are grown on special farms. Such a business is quite successful and profitable, experts say.

Most ordinary citizens prefer wild mushrooms. But farm-grown oyster mushrooms taste indistinguishable from porcini mushroom. And most importantly, in terms of nutritional value, such mushrooms have no equal. In addition, analyzes in government laboratories show that oyster mushrooms are completely safe.

Pleurotus ostreatus  is a species of woody edible fungus in the genus Pleurotaceae.

The fungus is widely distributed in temperate and subtropical forests around the world, although it is absent in the Pacific northwest of North America, where it has been replaced by the species P. pulmonarius and P. populinus. This fungus is a saprotroph that feeds mainly on wood, especially deciduous trees, specifically beech trees.

It is found throughout Ukraine. It grows in groups on the trunks of deciduous, occasionally coniferous trees.

They are harvested in September-October. Edible mushroom of the fourth category. Only young mushrooms are eaten, because old fruiting bodies are tough. Used boiled, fried and dried. It is grown on an industrial scale.

One previous study found that supplementing with oyster mushroom extracts reduced cholesterol levels, an effect attributed to the mushroom's beta-glucan content.

Mushrooms contain lovastatin (0.16% to 2.8%) on dry weight, which also lowers cholesterol levels.

Pleurotic mushrooms are rich in proteins, dietary fiber, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, water-soluble vitamins (C, B) and minerals (Na, Ca, P, Fe and K) and have a unique status as a delicacy with high nutritional and medicinal values. Their protein content is higher compared to vegetables, but lower compared to meat and milk.

Read also: "lungs" lay on the rock: a rare find in the Carpathians shook the network (PHOTOS) 

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