The draft law, aimed at improving the procedure for receiving, declaring and handling firearms, was supported in the first reading.

This was reported by the official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
It is noted that a person who has found or received a weapon to participate in repelling Russia's armed aggression must declare it. This procedure will be simplified and free of charge.
The main provisions of the draft law:
A person who has found or received a weapon to participate in repelling Russia's armed aggression must declare it. This procedure will be simplified and free of charge;
a civilian informs the police that he has found a weapon or ammunition, after which he declares or surrenders it within 24 hours;
if the found or declared weapon appears in criminal proceedings, has removed or illegally changed markings, or has inconsistencies defined by law, it will be seized by the National Police.
Thus, civilians will receive legal guarantees to legally store the weapons found for the period of martial law.
Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police, in cooperation with MPs, are preparing proposals to improve the draft law for the second reading.
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