Spring enchants with cherry blossoms and more.
The spring colors of this time are incredibly surprising and breathtaking. In the region, gardens and roadsides of the central arteries abound with colorful fragrant blossoms of trees. The branches of spectacular Japanese cherries stretch out to the fullest and attract tourists from all over the world.
The tract "Horbky" in Perechyn district at this time is also fascinating. This place offers a remarkable panorama. You can see forests, mountains and meadows.
The tract is located in the capital of the Turyan valley — Turya-Remet. In past years, a lot of cattle grazed here, but in the last period, nature has taken this place under its control, and the number of cattle in the village has sharply decreased.
On the territory of the tract there is a lonely and little-known grave of a Hungarian soldier who died during the Second World War. The area has been cared for by Maria Skubenych's family for more than 25 years. Flowers are always cleaned and planted here.
And on the eve of the Remembrance of All the Dead, lamps and candles are burning. The place did not become a tourist highlight. At the same time, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a valuable historical object for residents.
Earlier we wrote about rare orchids found by a journalist of the publication "Voice of the Carpathians" in this tract.
But now there is a real paradise in all its spring glory. What the tract looks like during this period, from which you can see the Runa meadow, the mountain villages at its foot - Lypovets and Likitsary, see in exclusive photos
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