The region can cover the needs of the population for the supply of electricity.

In Zakarpattia, due to the large number of installed private solar power plants, the energy produced from the sun can fully cover the region's electricity needs, said the head of the Zakarpattia Regional Military Administration Viktor Mykyta.
"As of March 1, 2024, 4,836 generating units for the production of electricity from solar radiation have been installed in private households in the region. The total capacity of generating units of private households is 138 megawatts. During the peak hours of the summer months, when Zakarpattia is loaded with about 330 megawatts, the generation capacity of private households covers up to 31% of the region's load," the message says.
In other words, each household, equipped with an autonomous energy supply system for its own functioning, can provide electricity to several neighboring households, depending on their capacity.
On the territory of the Transcarpathian region there are enterprises where 65 generating plants for the production of electricity from solar radiation with a total capacity of 244 megawatts are operated.
"Private households and enterprises of the region, which generate electricity from the sun, are able to fully meet the needs of our region," Viktor Mykyta added.
It should be noted that two years ago, in December, at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the situation with electricity supply was not so optimistic. In the region, as in other regions of Ukraine, hourly blackouts continued. The lack of electricity significantly affected small and medium-sized businesses, as well as kindergartens and educational institutions, which at that time were not provided with generators for such situations.
It will be recalled that this year, on March 22, the enemy once again attacked the energy infrastructure since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Ukraine. In many regions , there is a need for emergency power outages. Also, it is worth noting that given the difficult situation in the country's energy system, residents of the regions of Ukraine are warned about a possible second blackout in the near future. You should be prepared for the next shutdowns this summer.
It should be noted that since the beginning of the new year , periodic blackouts have been operating in the region.
In some cases, residents have their electricity cut off for ten hours.
There have also been emergency shutdowns in some areas since March 24.
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