Trade in seasonal vegetables and the first strawberries has started in Ukraine.

For more than a month, fresh spring greens, vegetables and the first greenhouse delicacy - strawberries - have been sold in the markets of the state in different regions of Ukraine. Vegetables and greenhouse strawberries are currently sold in the markets of Uzhhorod, Mukachevo and Perechyn. A kilogram of berries rules from 100 hryvnia.
Regardless of the fact that the first vegetables and fruits from greenhouses, not from open ground, are a source of nitrates dangerous for the body, there are still a lot of people who want to taste early cucumbers, tomatoes and "ruby" strawberries. Adults and children are at risk to their health. Even some mothers, satisfying the whims of their own children, do not hesitate to buy and feed their own children with "chemical" delicacies. Understanding the health risks, they still insure themselves with an allergy pill .
At the same time, the consequences of consuming such vegetables and fruits can be extremely severe than an allergic rash. In many cases, people end up in intensive care with poisoning and a number of other health problems.
According to many buyers, nitrates in the first strawberries, cucumbers and other greenhouse vegetables are not such a big problem, because they can be "pulled out" with water and salt. Vegetables and fruits should stay in salt water for about 30 minutes. After that, according to many housewives, such a product can be used and not be afraid of the harm of nitrates on the body. There are also many other improvised methods of dealing with nitrate food at home. But it is unlikely that such experiments are really useful, because doctors warn not to rush to buy early vegetables and greenhouse berries in the markets and take care of your own safety.
But which fruits and vegetables should be considered the dirtiest, according to the Environmental Working Group?
Every year since 2004, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group compiles a ranking of the products with the highest amount of pesticides, which they call the Dirty Dozen.
Strawberries are the dirtiest
The formation of the Dirty Dozen is based on data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.
All 12 fruits and vegetables on this blacklist contain huge doses of pesticides linked to problems such as miscarriages, birth defects, and developmental problems in children.
For many years, the Dirty Dozen has been led by strawberries and spinach. This year's grapes have risen from eighth to fourth place. Green beans close the list. This has been her permanent place for many years.
Full list of the Dirty Dozen
- Strawberry.
- Spinach.
- Kale.
- Grapes.
- Peaches.
- Pears.
- Nectarine.
- Apples.
- Bell and hot peppers.
- Cherry.
- Bilberry.
- Green beans.
How to remove pesticides from berries, vegetables and fruits
Experts did not leave consumers alone with this alarming information. They also gave recommendations on how to reduce the amount of pesticides and thereby protect yourself and your children from possible negative consequences.
Nutritionist Carissa Galloway named the actions that you should definitely take before feasting on the fruits or preparing any dishes from them.
First. Rinse vegetables and fruits well with cold running water
Second. Soak them in cold water for an hour or two. Then drain the water. This will be enough to significantly reduce the pesticide content.
Third. In no case do not use soda, vinegar, soap or other detergents for washing and cleaning vegetables and fruits, as some housewives do, trying to better wash the products.
This will only spoil them and add new harmful substances to the pesticides already present.
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Читайте також:
- Що буде ніхто не знає: в Україні злетить врази вартість головного продукту. Людям радять вже робити запаси
- На Закарпатті одна з громад ніяк не вийде із карантину: у школах - порожньо з 27 січня
- На Закарпатті і досі фіксують загрозу в одному із міст: про що йдеться й кому варто остерігатись?
- Ціна в "золотих злитках": на базарах вже торгують "смертельним" фруктом сезону. Варто бути обачним
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