From April 1, 2024, Ukrainians will face a number of changes in various spheres of life. Among the most important are the increase in the minimum wage, the minimum pension and taxes. The changes will also affect payments to displaced persons.

Raising the minimum wage
From April 2024, the minimum wage in Ukraine will increase by UAH 900 and will amount to UAH 8000. This means that the remuneration for the fulfilled monthly or hourly norm cannot be lower than this figure. Along with the "minimum wage", fines for unscrupulous employers will also increase. In case of violation of labor legislation, the fine will be from 16 thousand to 128 thousand UAH.
Raising taxes
With the growth of the "minimum wage", taxes also increase. Now they will be as follows:
- Personal income tax (personal income tax) - 18% of the minimum wage, which will be UAH 1440;
- military tax - 1.5% of the minimum wage, which is equal to UAH 120;
- UST (single contribution to compulsory state insurance) - 22%, which from April 1 will amount to 1760 UAH.
Raising the minimum pension and recalculating pensions for working pensioners
From April 1, the minimum pension will be increased for 65-year-old non-working pensioners with 30/35 years of experience (for women and men, respectively). Now the minimum pension will be 3200 UAH (this is 40% of the minimum wage). Working pensioners have been waiting for their pensions to be recalculated since April 1. It will be automatic and taking into account the updated pensionable service.
Payments to immigrants
After the rules for payments to IDPs changed from March 1, 2024, the number of recipients decreased significantly. But in March, the Cabinet of Ministers revised assistance to IDPs and made changes to the new payment procedure - extended the application deadline until April 30, 2024 and expanded the list of recipients.
Demobilization of conscripts
In April, the demobilization of conscripts called up to the Armed Forces of Ukraine before the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine begins. Demobilization is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 149/2024 of the President of Ukraine.
Read also: They will pay more: from April 1, prices for issuing a passport will change
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