Vasyl Virastiuk, known as the "Strongest Man of Ukraine" and "The Strongest Man in the World", visited the Svalyava community to support young teams in the final battle of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian School Leagues competition.

This is reported by Rayon.Svalyava.
Virastiuk last visited the Svalyava community in June last year, when he came to watch the competitions of students of educational institutions of the Svalyava community and pupils of the Svalyava Youth Sports School at the Avangard stadium.
Virastyuk awarded Alina Golovnych, a pupil of the athletics department of the Svalyava Youth Sports School, with a "Diploma" for successful starts at the championships of Ukraine. He also stressed the importance of holding the competition "Side by side of the All-Ukrainian School Leagues" and wished the Transcarpathian team victory at the all-Ukrainian stage.
Those who wished had the opportunity to take a picture with the star of Ukrainian sports and take an autograph.
At the end of the event, the winners of the final battle of the second stage of the "Side by Side All-Ukrainian School Leagues" basketball competition were announced. They were the team of the Stroynen Gymnasium of the Svalyava City Council and the young men of the Svalyava Institution of General Secondary Education No. 3 of the Svalyava City Council. These teams will advance to the next stage of the competition.
Read also: They want to build a river port in Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
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