Some of the ancient, now extinct, creatures on earth settled in one of the communities of Transcarpathia.

You can see them in the Turya-Remetiv community, in the village of Turytsia. Previously, powerful beasts roamed the nearby forests of the Turyan region and often raided the fields of local owners. But the Turya River, full of water in its time, still remembers the battle of these majestic animals, which subsequently fell into the reservoir, according to one legend, overcoming each other.
It should be noted that during the full-scale Russian invasion of the Ukraine in the center of the village, on the territory of the administrative building in Turya-Remet, a plaster sculpture of a majestic creature was erected . But now, in 2024, many visitors have the opportunity to see the ancestors of the very first wild bulls on the ground in the Turyan Valley.
A little history about the majestic and powerful tours in the Turyan forests
To believe or not to believe in legends, let the readers decide. And there is a grain of truth in the legends. At least, in Turya-Remet, they still tell about two wild bulls – Tur and Remet, who died fighting each other on the banks of the current river. Later, the local reservoir was christened Turya, and the village, respectively, was called Turya-Remeta. This legend has been retold from generation to generation. And here is another of the legends that once upon a time in the Tur Valley the princes – Tur and Remet – could not come to terms with it. For a considerable period there was enmity between them. One day they met on the banks of rivers and swore that only swords would judge them. Remet wounded Tur, but he also dealt him a fatal blow... That's how they died. And their blood poured into the river...
There is another version about the formation of the name of the village, or rather the word "Remeta". According to legend, earlier monks who had their own secret underground passages through Mount Magura (Maguricha) were called remets (hermits). Most researchers are inclined to believe that the geographical name of Remet is associated with monasteries founded in a number of villages of the Hungarian monarchy of the Arpadovich era (XIII-XIV centuries).
According to another version, which is based on the statement of the Hungarian researcher of Transcarpathian Ukrainian dialects László Dezhe, Remeta in the Turya valley got its name from a Hungarian monastery. At the same time, the researcher does not name his location in the village, so he has no confirmation of this version. Also, some believe that the name "Remeta" comes from the Hungarian remete. In this regard, there is another legend in the hinterland about the former stay in this area of the Hungarian king Sholomon (Shalamon) (reigned 1063 – 1074), who was the son of King András (Endre) I and Anastasia Yaroslavna. Also, probably, the origin of this name from the bearer of the Hungarian nickname Remete is not an exception, as Yulii Kul, a local historian from Perechyn district, notes in the book "Turya-Remeta", citing the research of L. Dezhe.
Deciphering the name of the village, some researchers claim the Slavic origin of the name, others – Hungarian, Italian or even Serbo-Croatian, etc. There are also disputes about the double name of the village, namely how it was formed. After all, in many archival documents, only "Remeta" is indicated in the name of the village. In particular, according to the publication of Yuliy Kula, where the author refers to the candidate of philological sciences Ivan Feketa, on the historical map of the former Bereg County (Comitatus Bereshiensis) we find only one simple name Remeta (Mad. Remete), which has been known since the first half of the fourteenth century, and the settlement of the same name in Uzhhorod County (Comitatus Ungwariensis) is already designated as Turya-Remeta (Mad. Remete), because it arose much later (it was first mentioned in written monuments in 1451). It should be noted that even now the locals never call the village Turya-Remeta in the dialect, but say "Remeta". For example, here are some phrases of the locals: "I'm going to Remet", "We are already in Remet", "Pud krai in Remet", "On Radvanka in Remety", "Drive to Remet". There are many to list.
Despite the different versions of scientists regarding the formation of the name of the village, the European tour is still held in high esteem by the locals. One of the confirmations of this is the depiction of the majestic figure of this once powerful animal on the coat of arms of the modern village (1451). Here, symbolically, the legendary tour appears in red at the bottom of the coat of arms. On the left is the figure of the Archangel Michael, on the right is the postman Fedir Feketa. A number of other villages, which are now part of the amalgamated Turya-Remetivska AH, also keep the mention of the European tour in their names: Turya-Bystra, Turya-Polyana, Turya-Pasika, Turytsia.
The photo is taken from the Facebook page of the Turya-Remetivka village council.
Read also: During the war, a "horned symbol" appeared in a village in Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
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