Impressive footage of a living forest treasure appeared on Facebook.

An amazing spring carpet with unique primroses is hidden at the foot of one of the largest meadows in the Carpathians - Polonyna Runii. It is unlikely that tourists know about this location, because this divine picture is hidden in the thick of the forest, away from the eyes of people.
Perhaps it is not for nothing that the location is far away in the forest. From year to year, many plantations with rare spring flowers suffer from numerous visits from tourists, who often trample and pluck these unique spring plants for selfies. So it is better to admire this beauty from a distance and enjoy the magical shots.
Hectares of spring white flowers among mighty green spaces are incredibly impressive.
"Under the mountain meadow Runa
All in Snowdrops (White Flowers)
Beauty that is simply enchanting and you don't want to go anywhere
Polonyna Runa Transcarpathia," the author of the video said in a post.
It should be noted that Ukrainian legislation prohibits the plucking and sale of footsteps, snowdrops and other spring flowers listed in the Red Book. Offenders will face fines.
Tourists or wealthy investors?
In the previous publication, we wrote that the Runa mountain meadow is planned to be built up with modern wind farms. On this issue, there are still heated discussions in the Turya-Remetiv community. Not all people support the newest project on the mountain range. One of the reasons why a number of residents are against wind turbines on the largest peak, which unites Perechyn and Bereznyi districts, is the destruction of the mountain range and the disruption of the ecological balance of Runa.
Environmentalists note that the construction of a wind farm on Polonyna Runiy will significantly affect the water content of the mountain system, flora and fauna. In addition, the work of large-scale wind turbines will destroy the Yafinniks in this area. It should be noted that the "black gold" that is collected in Polonyna by local residents has been financially saving many local families for years.
Читайте також:
- Його помітили на одній із найбільших полонин у Карпатах: що за рідкість мали змогу спостерігати на Закарпатській Руні?(ФОТОФАКТ)
- На Закарпаття йде велика вода, люди вже плавають: є загроза підтоплень у багатьох районах
- Закарпатців переслідують дронами: що сталось у регіоні за останній період й чому варто боятись штрафів?
- Фіолетовий рай на землі і в садах закарпатців: що знаходять місцеві жителі поряд з будинками? (ФОТО)
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