Every year, Ukrainians wonder: why do we change the time twice, first to summer and then to winter? This is done in order to make the most efficient use of daylight in winter and reduce the use of electricity for lighting and heating.

When to Daylight Saving Time 2024: Highlights
On May 13, 1996, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution "On the Procedure for Calculating Time on the Territory of Ukraine", according to which Ukrainians must change the hands of the clock twice a year.
"To introduce the following procedure for calculating time on the territory of Ukraine: the time of the second time zone (Kyiv time) with the annual transfer of the clock hand on the last Sunday of March at 3 o'clock 1 hour forward and the last Sunday of October at 4 o'clock 1 hour back."
That is, the transition to daylight saving time in 2024 will take place on the night of March 31 at 03:00. The hands of the clock must be set forward one hour (i.e. from 03:00 to 04:00). That way, we'll sleep a full hour less that night.
There are opponents of such a transition who believe that such time jumps have a negative effect on the human body. In particular, they disrupt biorhythms, so well-being worsens and performance decreases.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has repeatedly tried to discuss the transition to summer and winter time with public figures, but this issue remains uncertain. It will be recalled that not only Ukraine, but also almost 70 countries of the world change clocks twice a year. But 135 countries of the world have never introduced such a practice or abandoned it.
Read also: "These are difficult days and Russia will not stop if it wins the war in Ukraine": Ukraine may receive another aid package
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