Natural born builders usually build dams, but in this case, they damaged it.

According to the State Environmental Inspectorate in Transcarpathian region, a commission survey of the hydraulic structure was carried out, at the same time damage caused by beavers was discovered.
Employees of the State Environmental Inspectorate in Zakarpattia region together with representatives of the Velyka Dobron rural territorial community, Uzhhorod district state administration, Uzhhorod interdistrict water management department conducted a commission survey of the hydraulic structure - the dam of the Latorytsia River, which is located between the villages of Mala Dobron and Tysaagtelek, on the territory of the Velyka Dobron village council.
During the survey of the left-bank dam section, landslides with a total length of 800 meters and damage to the dam body by burrows and beaver passages were found in the PK 180+00 – 188+00 section.
Based on the results of the commission's work in order to eliminate the emergency, a number of recommendations were identified for priority work on the restoration of this hydraulic structure.
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