Everyone who loves nature and its "children" has a unique opportunity to observe the nest of rare birds that have settled in Transcarpathia.

In the Beregovo district of Transcarpathia, a surveillance camera was installed in an artificial nest of a barn owl or, as they are also popularly called "a bird with a heart-shaped face".
The nesting box was installed back in 2021, and in May 2023, a record number of eggs appeared there — 10.
Anyone and from anywhere in the world can watch the nest of these rare birds, the main thing is to have access to the Internet. At the moment, 7 eggs can already be seen in the nest, and perhaps this is not the entire clutch.
"Do you think this is already a complete clutch? Watching a family of barn owls can be a gamble," reads a post on the page of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds / Transcarpathia.
You can follow the online broadcasts on the website and YouTube channel.
Read also: A bird with a heart-shaped face settled in Transcarpathia: rare birds can be watched 24/7 online
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
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