The moon will wax on this day. The energy of the day promises to be neutral
If you feel unwell, refrain from using medication immediately. Overwork is probably the cause, so you just need to rest a little and recuperate.
Today, to achieve your goal, move step by step, without haste. This will allow you to achieve the desired result.
Even if your dreams today are fragmentary and incongruous, they can carry prophetic content. The main thing is to try to unravel this meaning.
If you need to resolve a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one, it is better to do it in the afternoon, when both will be in the mood for compromise.
Exercise self-control until lunchtime, especially today. Under an emotional outburst, it is possible to offend people for no proper reason.
If it is not possible to hold business negotiations by the evening, it is better to postpone them to another day to achieve a more successful result.
Even with good intentions and diplomatic qualities, do not unceremoniously interfere in someone else's personal life. You may be misunderstood.
Refrain from sudden movements, especially physical ones. Don't risk injury by being too careless with strength exercises.
When dealing with important issues, stick to some kind of system. Randomness can get in the way of achieving goals.
Refrain from making ambiguous jokes, especially in the circle of unfamiliar people. Not everyone can appreciate your sense of humor.
Use the energy you have today wisely. Don't waste it all in the morning, because you might need it later.
Even in questionable circumstances, try to remain optimistic. A positive attitude will attract better life scenarios to you.
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