Night serenades are heard near the houses of residents of one of the villages of Transcarpathia.

Singing and funny birds — pheasants — captivate with their impressive singing every season. They are popularly called "partridges".
These birds have already become so accustomed to people that almost every year they choose land near the houses of residents of one of the villages of the Perechyn AH. We are talking about Zarichevo, mentioned earlier in many publications on our website, in particular, where it was about the visits of hungry wolves to the village. Wild animals, the villagers say, often walk among the houses of local residents, but pheasants in general have almost become "tame". Although it is unlikely that it would be possible to tame them. No one has tried to catch a partridge and domesticate it from the local owners.
Pheasants roam in a village in one of the tracts, which is called "Pidkorostavets". Wild birds have been nesting in this area for many years in a row, locals say, and every time there are more of them.
In the evenings, partridges arrange "real concerts" for residents. People hear loud singing through the windows of houses.
- Pheasants have been walking since the end of February near the farmsteads. They sing (crow) so much that you can hear it in the hut. Most of all, the "disco" is heard at night," says Hanna Korol. "My acres are very close to the Pidkorostavets tract, so that they (birds) can almost go to the yard from there," says Hanna. "That's how they scurry around the hundreds," the housewife notes. - Last year, they also made themselves felt during such a period. Now hunters do not hunt animals and birds as much as in the past, because of the war in Ukraine, so there are a lot of pheasants and various animals, including wolves and foxes, in our forests. This time, wolves are hunting large dogs in our village," says Hanna Mykhailivna.
The common pheasant is a southern bird. It usually lives in Western and Central Asia to China, the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese islands. It is also common in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
Pheasant is also successfully bred in Europe and North America.
On the territory of Ukraine, the common pheasant is common in the southern and southeastern regions, and, in particular, in the Transcarpathian plain and in the Volyn region.
One of the important threats to the decline in the number of these birds is illegal human activities. In addition, every year people harm birds by burning dry grass. So, two years ago, pheasants were fleeing from a fiery tent in one of the tracts in Perechyn. Unknown people started a fire there.
Earlier, the "Voice of the Carpathians" informed what residents of the region find in the forests and what they brag about on Facebook.
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