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A bird with a heart-shaped face settled in Transcarpathia: rare birds can be watched 24/7 online (VIDEO BROADCAST)

Society Berehovo

In Beregovo district, a round-the-clock stream was launched directly from the nest.

A bird with a heart-shaped face settled in Transcarpathia: rare birds can be watched 24/7 online (VIDEO BROADCAST)

In the Beregovo district of Transcarpathia, a surveillance camera was installed in an artificial nest of a barn owl, Ukrayinska Pravda writes.

The nesting box was installed back in 2021, and in May 2023, a record number of eggs appeared there — 10.

Scientists have launched a round-the-clock broadcast on Facebook, the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds of Transcarpathia reported.

"In the artificial nesting of barn owls, where there were 10 eggs this year, owlets are growing up," the conservationist wrote. 

During the round-the-clock stream, you can watch how babies grow and how adult birds feed them.

50 such artificial nests were installed as part of a nature conservation project. They are in the attics and under the roofs of residents of Beregovo and Mukachevo districts.

According to the employees of the Society for the Protection of Birds, such boxes contributed to the increase in nesting barn owls by 17 pairs. Since they settled there and successfully bred offspring.

"A new stage of our activity is aimed at ensuring sustainable improvement of living conditions and protection of the key habitat of the owl," the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds of Transcarpathia writes.

To do this, conservationists involve local residents.

The barn owl is the most famous representative of the order Owls. The recognizable appearance is given to her by a completely white heart-shaped face. Barn owls are fairly common birds that are considered very useful because they control the population of mice and rats in nature.

Barn owl - classification and scientific name

The barn owl belongs to the order Owls and is a member of the Barn Owl family (Titonidae). The latter has 20 modern species, which are grouped into two genera – barn owls and lechus.

The barn owl belongs to the genus of the same name, the Latin name of which is Tyto. It has 17 modern species and many fossil forms. The barn owl is believed to be one of the oldest owls in the world, having been known since the Eocene.

In Ukraine, there is only 1 species – speckled barn owl or common barn owl. Its scientific name is Tyto alba, which translates as "white owl". However, this member of the Barn Owl family should not be confused with the snowy owl from the Owl family, which has a similar name but is distinguished by yellow eyes.

The English name of this bird translates as "barn owl". This is due to the fact that barn owls usually settle in abandoned barns. The Ukrainian name comes from the hoarse sounds that are characteristic of these birds.

The speckled barn owl is the only species of barn owls found in Ukraine. This bird is breeding in Transcarpathia.

Interesting fact! In England, the barn owl often lives in cemeteries, which is why it is known as a herald bird from the afterlife.

Read also: Water monster: a black serpent lives in a lake in Beregovo district (VIDEO)

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