In one of the districts, the alarm was sounded because of a red-haired attacker.

In the villages of Perechyn district, people are in a panic because of fox visits. The predator approaches the local neighborhoods and kidnaps the birds.
Residents of the Turya-Remetivska AH talk about the current problem. According to the owners, the fox has recently wandered in many chicken coops, leaving only feathers at the crime scenes.
This is not the first time that visits of the red-haired intruder to the villages of the community have been recorded. People remember how almost two years ago a predator was caught in a yard in broad daylight. The fox was caught in one of the neighborhoods of Turya-Remety.
- It was very scary, all shabby. In broad daylight, she was caught in the yard," says Ms. Iryna. - A man scored with a pitchfork. Before that, people lost a lot of birds. Someone had chickens, some had geese and chickens, people were complaining on our street about how their birds were disappearing," says an eyewitness.
Currently, the fox has been hunting in the village for more than a week and stealing birds, residents say. The predator was spotted the other day on Berezneva Street. Fearing the appetite of a hungry animal, people more securely lock the birds in sheds at night and watch over the birds in broad daylight.
"For three days in a row, my chickens have been in the stable, we have only a few of them, I'm afraid to let them go outside," says Ms. Maria. - I have already eaten chickens from my neighbors. Who knows if she's crazy, or just hungry and feasts on animals from people, but it's a disaster. Since she has already sniffed the bird, she will hunt here until she gets tired of it," says Maria.
See also: "Some new species, they bite people": what kind of misfortune fools the inhabitants of the region and makes its way into their homes? (PHOTOS)
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