Since mid-February, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has begun to use the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Conscripts and Reservists "Oberig" to strengthen counteraction to illegal travel abroad.

Thus, over the past three weeks, border guards have stopped 230 attempts to illegally cross the border using forged documents, in particular thanks to the register, the Ministry of Defense reports.
The Ministry of Defense, together with the State Border Guard Service, established an exchange between the database of the State Border Guard Service and the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Conscripts and Reservists. This makes it possible to expose forged documents and quickly verify information about persons liable for military service," the message on the Telegram channel says.
It is noted that earlier, in order to confirm the validity of documents for traveling abroad, border guards had to contact directly with representatives of the TCC and SP. Currently, information on this issue can be checked online through the Oberig register in a few clicks.
According to the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko, border guards continue to counteract attempts to illegally cross the border both in the "green" area and at checkpoints, where violators try to use forged documents that would give the right to cross the border during martial law. Some of them are military registration documents, allegedly issued in territorial recruitment centers. That is why the establishment of an effective information exchange between the Oberig register and the database of the State Border Guard Service allows inspectors to check such documents more efficiently and quickly.
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