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Almost mystical and creepy objects: little known about the bunker in one of the districts in Transcarpathia

Society Perechyn

Many interesting stories are hidden in these  mysterious buildings from past years.

Almost mystical and creepy objects: little known about the bunker in one of the districts in Transcarpathia

Many military facilities from the past to the present are just an echo of the events that once took place in the region. Among them are majestic bunkers shrouded in a number of stories, legends and even mystical tales. Over time, such buildings attract the attention of more and more interested tourists. Such incredible objects can still be seen not only in the Volovets region, where the largest bunker in Ukraine is located, but also in the Perechyn district.

Polonyna Runa, which is planned to be built up with a large-scale wind farm during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to further produce "green" electricity, is fraught with a number of unique attractions. A concrete road led to the previously secret building, which still rises on the ridge of the meadow, laid by the military in Soviet times. There are many interesting details about this object. Although most of them are still classified as "top secret".

Mysterious ruins on Runiy in Perechyn district

A rather large-scale military facility still rises on one of the Carpathian peaks known to tourists - Polonyna Runii in Perechyn district. There are a lot of tourists here at different times. In summer, the local population conquers Runa for "black gold".

On Runiy there is a secret node 103 during the Soviet period. In other words, the secret radar "Bars". Locals say that when the base was in working order, only the military were allowed here, civilians were forbidden to go there.

During  the Cold War, the BARS Tropospheric Control and Communication Network was deployed here, namely the node of the long-range radar station 103. From there, the radio signal was transmitted to the Warsaw Pact countries, which united in opposition to NATO. The signal had to go constantly and uninterruptedly, even in the event of war. Thanks to high-tech ventilation and air purification systems, the station ensured the life of personnel in the conditions of a chemical or nuclear attack.

The network consisted of 26 organized nodes, the total length of the lines of which was more than 5 thousand kilometers. The control and communication network "Bars" by its main parameters surpassed the best foreign systems of similar purpose, was resistant to radio interference and was distinguished by reliability.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military left the base. After some time, it was transferred to the balance of the Gas Institute, later it was transferred to the Solotvyno forestry.

The military facility was not only on the surface of the mountain,  but also went deep into the ground by three floors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to go down there in our time, and it is not known what "surprises" may await there.

The tract "Klokotivka" and a creepy object next to the reservoir

In previous publications, we wrote about this one of the picturesque tracts in Perechyn district, at the foot of Mount Sokolets, which is in the capital of the Turyan region. The place is historic, as a popular narrow-gauge route ran on both sides of the reservoir called "Klokotyva" (a mountain stream where there was a mill).

Trolleys were happily rushing through the outskirts of settlements. Not only timber was transported on steam locomotives (steam locomotives), but there was also a passenger car. There are many interesting stories and legends about this tract. One of them is about a railway worker.

The place is well known to mushroom pickers and fishing enthusiasts. In the clear mountain water , local fishermen remember how they went to fish for trout here on weekends. There were enough fish, "you could 'eat' with your hands. Unfortunately, in the recent period, the polluted ecology — garbage in the rivers and along the banks scared away the "royal amphibian" from this place.

What is very interesting is that to this day there is still a secret bunker in Klokotiv. Over time, it was overgrown with thickets and covered with earth, according to eyewitnesses who were able to visit its place not long ago. It is unlikely that you can crawl  into it at the moment. At the same time, this bunker is still in this tract and attracts the attention  of the curious in an attempt to find it.

At one time, eyewitnesses say, the kids, while grazing, often climbed inside this building. No one knows how long the bunker is, but it is said that it was built in Turja-Remet around the time of the First World War. Therefore, if these data are true, the little-known building in the "Klokotyva" tract is 110 years old.

See also: "Some new species, they bite people": what kind of misfortune fools the inhabitants of the region and makes its way into their homes? (PHOTOS)

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