In the heart of the Carpathian Mountains, where the wind whispers legends, and rivers and streams sing their songs, there is the Synevyr National Nature Park, unique in its beauty and wealth.

It is on its territory at the foot of the uniquely attractive Lake Synevyr, where nature generously demonstrates its gifts, that the inspectors of the Synevyr-Polyana PNDV created another masterpiece - a shaft, which retains its relevance among local residents and tourists.
Writes National Nature Park "Synevyr"
"VALILO" is a device consisting of a wooden barrel, gutters and a wooden wheel that rotates under water pressure. Despite its simplicity, the valilo retains its relevance among some highlanders of the Carpathian region to this day.
"Valylo has a long history. The first water wheels appeared several thousand years ago, where they were used to irrigate agricultural land and to supply water to settlements. Over time, the idea of the water wheel spread far and wide, and it played a key role in the water systems of many civilizations. In different cultures, the water wheel could have different designs and dimensions, but its basic principle remained the same, which was to convert the energy of water into motion.Although modern technology offers faster and more efficient methods of cleaning wool, the vallo remains an enduring symbol of mountain life and culture. Its use is not only a process, but also a way to preserve shared experiences and traditions that have been passed down through the centuries.
In the Carpathians, the highlanders used it to wash and compact wool and wool products, especially for rinsing woolen blankets and plaids, by felting under the force of a water whirlpool, etc. Locals know that nothing will make wool softer and cleaner than running mountain water flowing through a shaft. It is the water that has passed through the wool for 6-7 hours, taking with it dirt and excess oiliness, leaving behind only freshness and cleanliness," the post says.
Today, such devices as a shaft remain not only an important element of economic life, but also a symbol of the coexistence of man and nature. Its summary reminds us of our roots, of how simple methods can make a big difference, and of how the wisdom of past generations can influence our future...
Read also: An incredible find shocked the world: a large tomb with artifacts was found under a layer of earth (FOTO)
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