An unpleasant incident happened in Khust district.

According to the Khust District Department of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Zakarpattia oblast, a focus of rabies was found in the private sector in the village of Sokyrnytsia of the Khust community.
According to the report, on February 18, at 12.30 p.m., when leaving his own house on Priamna Street, a local resident was bitten by an unknown cat.
The man caught the animal and isolated it in a separate closed room.
The next day, February 19, at about 12.10 p.m., the cat died.
On the same February 19, the pathological material from the cat's corpse was delivered to the Khust branch of the Transcarpathian State Laboratory of the State Border Guard Service for rabies testing.
The animal's corpse was burned, and the remains were disinfected and buried.
The victim was offered to contact a traumatologist (rabiologist) in a medical institution, while he was warned about the consequences of probable rabies infection.
Test results:
On February 22, the Khust District Department of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Transcarpathian region received a report on the results of the study of pathological (biological) material with a positive result for rabies (cats).
A plan of comprehensive measures to eliminate the rabies focus in Sokyrnytsia was developed, which was approved by the decision of the Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies at the Khust city TC at an extraordinary meeting of the Commission on February 23.
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