According to this initiative, any crowd of people should be under the control of video cameras.

Timchenko notes that thanks to the video monitoring system, law enforcement officers have all the tools to bring potential offenders to justice.
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Leonid Tymchenko in an interview with the Telegraph said that the draft law on the Unified System of Video Monitoring of the State of Public Security is currently being approved by all interested ministries and central executive bodies - they submit their proposals, informs the Communication Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
"Our vision, and this is spelled out in the draft law, is that there should be three levels. The first one will be in the situation center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all video monitoring cameras that are in public places, on highways will be connected to it," the Deputy Minister stressed.
At the same time, he added that in the future it is planned to equip educational institutions and places where a large number of children gather, sports clubs, for example, with video monitoring cameras.
"Any gathering of people should be under the control of video cameras so that you can go back to a certain date and see what exactly happened in a particular area covered by a surveillance camera," Leonid Timchenko explained.
The second level is the regional level, which exists today at the level of military administrations. The third is the "Safe City" and "Safe Community" systems.
"Further, we will offer private enterprises, owners of gas stations to join, so that every place where a large number of our citizens or vehicles are located is covered by video monitoring cameras," said the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
He stressed that the National Police and other law enforcement agencies should have access to surveillance cameras. At the same time, the official stressed that the introduction of a unified video monitoring system will not become a "digital Gulag", when every step of a person is under control, and the system is implemented solely to make citizens feel safe.
"And those who plan to commit a crime understood that law enforcement officers have all the tools to record, identify and bring to justice the offender," Leonid Timchenko summed up.
He also said that currently there are 40 thousand video monitoring cameras in Ukraine, which is about a third of the minimum need.
Read also: Shocking draft law: MPs propose total supervision over everyone?
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