The head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, believes that the future of all countries in the world depends on the final outcome of the war.

The fate of the whole world will depend on how the Russian-Ukrainian war ends. The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, is convinced of this. He made the corresponding statement during the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum, which was attended, in particular, by representatives of Ukraine's military intelligence, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine informs.
During his address to the participants at the Forum, Admiral Bauer stated:
"This war is being waged because President Putin fears something far more powerful than any physical weapon on earth — democracy... But no amount of propaganda can hide the truth that he has not achieved any of his strategic goals. And how would he achieve them? Russian troops have no idea what they are fighting for. And you know. You are fighting for civilization itself... So it would be a terrible historical mistake to let him win. It would be dangerous for all of us, because the outcome of this war will affect the fate of the whole world."
The official event was also attended by representatives of NATO and the EU, defense ministers of partner countries, European and American politicians and experts, international figures, world experts in international relations and intelligence and security issues.
Read also: Already in April: drivers will be required to install a new identification sign on cars (RESOLUTION)
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