In particular, the village of Pushkino, the name change of which was discussed recently and even voted for its new name, will be renamed.

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning approved the new names of a number of settlements in different regions of our country.
This was announced on his Facebook by MP Roman Lozynsky.
In total, today it was decided to rename 5 cities and 104 villages/settlements. Most of them were subject to change in the process of decommunization.
Thus, in Beregovo district, the village of Pushkino (historical name - Novyi Verbovets) will be renamed Mizhlisne, approved during the village survey, the village of Peshchera in Tyachiv district will now be called Pechera, in Uzhhorod region, the village of Kybliary will be renamed Kyblary, and Chertezh - Chertizh.
After approval by the relevant committee, the issue of renaming settlements will be put to a vote in parliament.
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