For a month now, Ukrainians have been discussing the initiative proposed by the deputies to introduce a total system of video surveillance of citizens and the collection of their personal data in Ukraine.

As the "Voice of the Carpathians" wrote earlier, the corresponding bill 11031 was registered by people's deputies from the "Servant of the People" faction.
It is entitled "On the Unified System of Video Monitoring of the State of Public Security".
After the publication of this information, a flurry of discussions on such an initiative began.
In order to bring at least some clarity and convey the essence of such know-how to Ukrainians, the podcast of the Ministry of Internal Affairs spoke at length about this initiative.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs released a podcast in which they discussed one of the most popular issues regarding the introduction of a unified video monitoring system. Experts have concluded that control in Ukraine will not be as global as in China.
It was noted that the state and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs exercise the right to security through the introduction of a unified video monitoring system. And this is not considered a restriction of human rights.
It is also reported that video monitoring in many cases helps to solve crimes. There are successful cases that confirm this. Video monitoring was also useful for identifying Russian criminals.
Read also: Shocking draft law: MPs propose total supervision over everyone?
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