Such a proposal is justified by the fact that such a step will increase revenues to the country's budget by UAH 44.2 billion.

This is stated in the ministry's response to a request from Interfax-Ukraine.
The department noted that changes in the payment of the military fee will apply to legal entities - corporate income tax payers and single tax payers of the third and fourth groups, as well as individual entrepreneurs - single tax payers of the first, second, third and fourth groups.
In addition, the additional military tax is expected to affect buyers of bank metals from banks and cars subject to the first state registration in Ukraine, real estate sellers, retailers of jewelry made of gold, platinum and precious stones, as well as mobile operators providing any mobile services.
"The proposals also provide for bringing the excise tax on fuel in line with EU minimum standards, introducing an excise tax on water, including mineral and carbonated waters, with the addition of sugar or other sweeteners or aromatics, and expanding the list of excisable goods through the taxation of excise taxes on hemp plants," the Finance Ministry said.
It is expected that by the end of the first quarter of 2024, the relevant draft laws will be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament.
Read also: They can "squeeze" housing: repressive measures of the state against debtors for utilities
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