Almost everyone has a popular Telegram messenger in their smartphone, but few people know how to properly clean up garbage without losing what is important and necessary.

Telegram, which is used by many Ukrainians today, however, like other messengers, over time, its use takes up more and more memory in the smartphone and begins to gradually slow down the device. In order to painlessly get rid of the accumulated gigabytes, it is enough to clear the Telegram cache on your smartphone, writes UNIAN.
At the same time, you do not need to delete the useful application. After all, if you reinstall Telegram on your device after that, then all deleted gigabytes will immediately return again. Therefore, there is a simpler and more effective method, in which, moreover, you do not have to sacrifice the accumulated information.
At the same time, all the necessary data will be saved, and your smartphone "will be grateful to you." This procedure is simple, and will take you a maximum of a few minutes. You just need to clear the cache in Telegram. Moreover, on both iOS and Android, this operation is carried out in almost the same way.
How To Clear Cache In Telegram
The algorithm consists of only three steps:
- go to Telegram settings;
- go to the "Data and memory" → "Memory usage" section;
- click on the "Clear cache" option.
The cleaning process itself, as well as the execution of this algorithm, takes less than a minute. This procedure can be repeated periodically as you use Telegram. By the way, it is suitable as a "cleanser" for other applications.
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